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About the Book Club

The text and theoretical understanding is not a direct corresponding day by day practice with the lessons.  I will read and post information about the text so we all learn the universal wisdom being shared.  We will all undertake the lessons day by day.  The minimum commitment is daily reflecting. Some days may have a journal entry, some just a quick contemplation.  The  guide indicates that this practice should be one day at a time, so do not plan to set a time on Sunday for a week's worth of work.  One lesson, each day.  If you miss one, do not quit; but the goal is to just take each lesson day by day.


I will be sharing the text and my thoughts on the Patreon App.  We will also have a FB group to share and work through these lessons together.


I am not a trained ACIM teacher.  I am embarking on this journey with you. So as we get into this and need to change / adjust how things are done, I ask your permission to pivot.  


There will be a $5/mo fee.  Though nominal, an energetic exchange promotes the intention of growth and self-investment and there is greater incentive to follow-through and "do the work".


If you are ready to sign up and embark on this journey, you may go directly to Patreon.  If you want more information or have questions, please reach out below.


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